Tuesday, April 28, 2009

this is funny

if your used to windows, using a mac is like talking to a foreign person, you think your getting somewhere up untill the point you realise the computer has no idea what the hell your talking about. i saw a women jogging with headphones on and i wondered if she was listening to the sound of baby seals being clubbed. if someone opens the door for you, look them in the eyes and kindly say, "thanks, but i got it." and wait till they let the door close, then open it, and walk through. if someone sneezes, instead of, "Bless You", try telling them to shut the hell up. try ending every statement you make in a day with a question. accuse someone of making up the last word they say to you, whatever it is (Ex. "Did you just say....sandwich? you made that word up!")

i realised this today

i realised that i do not posess the mechanism in most people's brains that stresses you out over typical things, like bills, car accidents, getting robbed, and other things most people freak out about. im aware that these things exist and/or happen in my life, but i dont exhibit the typical stressed behavior that most do. it worries me a little because i dont go crazy when i have a bill and i dont prepare for paying it or if i wreck my car i am almost immediately over it. its nice not getting stressed out over those things but it just means i direct all my stress to other situations like schoolwork and make them seem so hopeless that i instantly want to give up before i even try. so i realised that today and im gonna try to either delete my stress all together, or figure out a way to dole it equally to each stressfull situation.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Zombie Chronicles

i filmed the first scene for the first episode of a tv show called Zombie Chronicles. i dont know why im so stuck on Zombies but i guess ill ride the train as far as it will take me. i made a girls throat look like it was gushing blood, and my freind Bear made it look like his eyeball was hanging out, so thats good. the show is about a zombie outbreak, and everybody dies. i dont want to give away too much, but if it sounds interesting, you can check it out sometime this summer when i finish the episode. i think i want to get more into special effects because im pretty good at it and i really like doing it, which is important for me because i have the worst A.D.D. in recorded history. i will definately post the raw footage of the gore on my website, or at least link it on my website, when i do ill let you know.

this one is boring

im in the ARC posting a blog. i dont have the internet at my new house yet. theres an asian person to the left of me, she seems nice. its gonna be a pretty good day today, i might build something. i heard of a good way to avoid parking tickits at my school, if you just park in a teacher parking spot and get a 20 dollar tickit, you just take the tickit and park in teacher parking or wherever you want and put the same tickit back on your windshield so they think they already gave you a tickit. itsa like a 20 dollar park anywhere pass, worth it! i put my dog on the roof of my house last nigt and immediately realised that dogs look funny on houses. ive been listening to the band Iron Horse a lot lately, if you have the chance, check em out.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

random thoughts

i wonder how radio carbon dating works. why cant the two old guys from the muppets just squash the beef? why does everyone put their furniture against the walls in their place? im gonna move all my furniture to the middle of the room and hang out on the outside, see how it is. ive always wanted to build a boat. i have a pair of pajamma pants with penguins wearing santa hats all over them, so i guess all you have to do is be some sort of arctic creature to be associated with christmas these days, because where are penguins in any christmas story? think about it. the palm of my hand is bigger proportionately than my fingers, so when i was in elementary school and had to trace my hand for turkeys, i always had fat stupid looking turkeys, ruined my childhood.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

its hard to do schoolwork in the library

its hard to do schoolwork in the library because i cant smoke, i cant scream randomly (important part of my studies). i cant take a break and lay down because someone will steal my computer. i cant smoke. i cant even think in here and im pretty sure its directly related to the fact that these chairs dont have arms. i think i just saw a 12 year old walk in. i cant eat or drink in here. i cant watch tv or play music. i cant smoke. and the keyboard sounds like a typewriter. yeah, it sucks doing schoolwork in the library.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

where movies will be in 5 years

in five years, the movie theatres will be totally mobile. theatres will be obsolete because there will be virtual reality programs for 3d movies anywhere you go. special effects will sadly all be computer generated. all movies will be shot in digital and movie sets and shooting on location will become obsolete. computers will be designed specifically for on set editing. dvds will probably become more interactive with alternate scenes and endings. the picture quality will continue to get better as the technology in plasma screens progresses. the limits of what is appropriate movie content will be pushed as well. there will be a great increase in R rated movies as society sinks deeper into an age of the "gross". one thing that wont change is the "do what works" attitude of most media practitioners. if one idea makes money in the box office, always expect 6 more just like it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


a kid at old navy asked me how much a soccer ball was and i was like, "probably a lot, because of inflation". Id like to see a live action Beavis and Butthead movie, they would have to pick the perfect actors to play the duo but after that, they really wouldnt need much else. my friend Josh looks like a fat Matt Damon so i call him Fatt Damon. i dressed up like the easter bunny at old navy today. one time in seventh grade i sucker-punched a kid from ukraine. okay thats enough, im gonna go watch the original power rangers movie.

spring break

for spring break i went to Panama City Fl. with my friend daniel. we went to the beach and got drunk everyday for 5 days, it was awesome. we stayed with my best friend Vigo at his apartment down there. i was running out of money around wednesday and the weather was getting bad so we were all set to go home when all of a sudden i remembered i was getting payed that day. so i have direct deposite and right when i saw i had the money, we drove another 6 hours down to orlando and stayed for free with my friend James. the day after we got there James' wife got us into Disney World for free because she works there. we went to Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Epcott. needless to say, we definatley Suplexed the hell out of that spring break.

Friday, March 20, 2009


bonnaroo is awesome. when i was there i saw a laser light show in the trees of betty boop stripping. i saw a giant zippo lighter that made a smoke ring like ten feet wide that was super thick. i saw huge bobbleheads. i saw a huge number 2 pencil. i saw two drag queens inside of a giant chicken surrounded by people dressed like egyptians. i saw ween, and the flaming lips in the same night. i saw uncle sam. i saw wolverine. i saw a giant mushroom fountain. and i saw a bunch more stuff than that but the craziest thing i saw was a parade that started with a guy in a cage playing drums being pulled by devils with horns surrounded by a burleske show, followed by a giant duck-monster, followed by an octopuss with a stripper coming out of the top of it. so if you dont want to go to bonnaroo now then you are crazy

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dead Reign

Dead Reign is a movie i made with my friends about a year ago. it started out as a class project, but we wanted to keep working on it and now we have a completed version on the internet! you can click lumpstick industries on my links list and view it from there. keep in mind i do not want to be an actor. nobody in the film does, but we had to act in it so prepare yourself for some oscar winning performances. check it out and let me know what you think!

how will the internet change in 5 years

im pretty sure in 5 years time the internet will be a lot more mobile than it already is. with things like the i-phone and laptops with wi-fi its easy to see that people will soon have the internet at their disposal everywhere they go. thats really all im more than 50% about. i would like to see voice recognition software improved and applied to the net. also touch screens as seen in the i-phone might be cool. an increase in connectivity with people all over the world will occur which does not excite me at all. i like my privacy too much to have a facebook, or a myspace. i think being able to live in a virtual world is detremental to social growth in young people, and if in 5 years the internet has grown more mobile then we will probably run into more of these kids that cant even hold a conversation in real life, but are freakin shakespeare on a keyboard, than we already do.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

things i imagine

i imagine a world where the word "look" is spelled with two little pupils in the O's. i imagine a world where i can run so fast that before i even start moving forward a little clowd of dust appears around my feet because theyre allready moving THAT fast. so fast that you could like stick a broom stick between my legs while i was running and it would just turn into sawdust. i think lasik surgery is pretty awesome. i imagine that if aliens came and asked me to describe our technological advancements id describe the automobile, and they'd be all, "we got flying cars man". so then id show them our advances in medicine, and they'd be all, "dude we dont even get sick". chances are i would be feeling pretty blue right about then, but then i would say, "hey man, we can shoot A FREAKING LASER BEAM into our eyeballs and then we can see perfectly!" i can only imagine that even an alien would be like, "thats pretty sweet dude"

Monday, January 26, 2009

funny words

if something is plain, its ordinary. so if something is far from plain, why is it extraordinary? EXTRA-ORDINARY. i just think if i dont like something that sucks, im pretty sure id hate it if it EXTRA-SUCKS. I saw a shirt that said "young ideas are the nnew future". As opposoed to that old future everybody's been talkin about? Every time I hear the phrase, "i can feel it in my bones", i picture the word "it" rattling around in the rib cage of a human skeleton.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i thought this today

if you could see farts, it would be a lot easier to know who did it. especially if everyone had a different color. also, am i the only one who has noticed you cant buy 3 liter pepsi's or cokes anywhere? whats the deal with that? when did America collectively decide that nobody needs 3 liters of soda anymore? i found some offbrand 3 liters but ill tell you now, its just not the same.