Tuesday, April 28, 2009

this is funny

if your used to windows, using a mac is like talking to a foreign person, you think your getting somewhere up untill the point you realise the computer has no idea what the hell your talking about. i saw a women jogging with headphones on and i wondered if she was listening to the sound of baby seals being clubbed. if someone opens the door for you, look them in the eyes and kindly say, "thanks, but i got it." and wait till they let the door close, then open it, and walk through. if someone sneezes, instead of, "Bless You", try telling them to shut the hell up. try ending every statement you make in a day with a question. accuse someone of making up the last word they say to you, whatever it is (Ex. "Did you just say....sandwich? you made that word up!")

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