Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dead Reign

Dead Reign is a movie i made with my friends about a year ago. it started out as a class project, but we wanted to keep working on it and now we have a completed version on the internet! you can click lumpstick industries on my links list and view it from there. keep in mind i do not want to be an actor. nobody in the film does, but we had to act in it so prepare yourself for some oscar winning performances. check it out and let me know what you think!

how will the internet change in 5 years

im pretty sure in 5 years time the internet will be a lot more mobile than it already is. with things like the i-phone and laptops with wi-fi its easy to see that people will soon have the internet at their disposal everywhere they go. thats really all im more than 50% about. i would like to see voice recognition software improved and applied to the net. also touch screens as seen in the i-phone might be cool. an increase in connectivity with people all over the world will occur which does not excite me at all. i like my privacy too much to have a facebook, or a myspace. i think being able to live in a virtual world is detremental to social growth in young people, and if in 5 years the internet has grown more mobile then we will probably run into more of these kids that cant even hold a conversation in real life, but are freakin shakespeare on a keyboard, than we already do.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

things i imagine

i imagine a world where the word "look" is spelled with two little pupils in the O's. i imagine a world where i can run so fast that before i even start moving forward a little clowd of dust appears around my feet because theyre allready moving THAT fast. so fast that you could like stick a broom stick between my legs while i was running and it would just turn into sawdust. i think lasik surgery is pretty awesome. i imagine that if aliens came and asked me to describe our technological advancements id describe the automobile, and they'd be all, "we got flying cars man". so then id show them our advances in medicine, and they'd be all, "dude we dont even get sick". chances are i would be feeling pretty blue right about then, but then i would say, "hey man, we can shoot A FREAKING LASER BEAM into our eyeballs and then we can see perfectly!" i can only imagine that even an alien would be like, "thats pretty sweet dude"